Nine project partners from both sides of the Danube, together, laid the foundation for the creation of the first nature park in Slovakia – The Danubian NATURPARK. In addition to preserving the natural and cultural heritage of the region and using it for rural development, the goal is environmental education, public opinion formation and the development of “soft” tourism with the support of the region. The initial pilot activities were made possible by a project called “Taste of Danubian Nature”. The project is implemented within the Interreg V-A Cooperation Program Slovak Republic – Hungary.

The Association of Municipalities “Združenie obcí Dolného Žitného ostrova” is the main partner of the project and thanks to it the “look” of 22 municipalities of the Lower Rye Island has changed. Rain gardens, insect hotels, authentic rocking wells as well as 3,500 original tree species have been added to the villages.

The lead cross-border partner Által-ér Vízgyűjtő Helyreállítási és Fejlesztési Szövetség (HU), in addition to providing valuable know-how in the creation of The Danubian Naturpark Strategy, built entrance gates and info points in the Nature Park Gerecse (HU) and expanded “soft” tourism programs.

Other partners of the project, in addition to the Slovak Environment Agency (SK), are Slovenský vodohospodársky podnik, š.p. (SK), the Municipality of Gönyű (HU), the Municipality of Zlatná na Ostrove (SK), the Bratislava Regional Conservation Association (SK), the Municipality of Gönyű Horgászegyesület (HU) and the Municipality of Klížska Nemá (SK). 

The Slovak Environment Agency, with the support of the project, built an experience environmental center with many interesting features in the natural environment of SEV SAŽP Dropie Zemianska Olča. The spring wave of the COVID19 pandemic had, in addition to many negative consequences, a positive one, too. People were much more looking for opportunities to spend time in nature and in their region. The most impressive is the pavilion with a reed roof, which is used for many activities. This year, implementations of various trainings, exhibitions, and programs for visitors have been practiced in this pavilion, and even a children’s theatrical performance of the popular fairy tale Ludas Matyi (Matyi the geese grazer) has also taken place under the reed roof of the pavilion with great success. Certainly the most popular, however, are the emotional walkway and the willow constructions, which this year, in compliance with safety regulations, have been tried by many visitors of different age. Another interesting element is the bird-watching tower – the concept of the well-known young Hungarian photographer Máté Bence, an invisible bird photographer. Currently, a wooden rope-track – the last element of the project is awaiting completion.

Although the project ends, The Danubian Naturpark is just starting to be established. The built infrastructure elements will be followed by various programs and activities for the presentation of cultural and natural heritage, intended as for the inhabitants of the region as for general public, will be implemented in SEV SAŽP Dropie, so that visitors would better get to know, understand and discover the magical region of Europe’s largest river island.

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For further information please contact:

Katka Vajliková, vedúca SEV Dropie


Mobil: 00421 905 314 427